Health & Criminal Justice Trainings
Dear Friend of NAMI
Now is the time to register
for our upcoming "Mental Illness #101" and "Mental Illness
#201". These trainings are geared to law enforcement, corrections,
judges, attorneys, social workers and others who work in the Criminal
Justice field. We hope to see you there.
Marianne Halbert, JD, Criminal Justice Director
Mental Illness #101
Course Description
This educational day includes presentations on the topics of the
"Biological Basis of Mental Illness," "Categories of Mental
Illness", and "Active Listening & Tools for Crisis
Situations," as well as two Lived Experience presentations.
Course Details
Offered August 15
and again on November
7, 2013
The training will be held in the Small Auditorium at Larue Carter Hospital
2601 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, Indiana 46222
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Continuing Education Information
Your registration fee includes free
parking, light breakfast and afternoon snack, coffee, juice and bottled
water, as well as course materials. 6 Hours of ILEA credit for law
enforcement and 6 Hours of CEU for social workers and family therapists.
5.5 Hours of Non-Legal Subject for attorneys is pending approval.
Our Price:
$80.00 per person
# posted by Bob Cardwell @ 12:39 PM