Saturday, July 16, 2005
Getting Help for Loved Ones Who are Mentally Ill
An Action Plan for Helping those with Mental Illness

Sad, but true....
This is a plan for family members helping those with mental illness in Marion County, Indiana, or the Greater Indianapolis area. Please go here to read about some suggestions from a general standpoint or to find some ideas for your area.
My basic belief is that whenever possible, those with mental illness should take the responsibility for their own care. However, mental illness often robs individuals of their judgment and it becomes necessary for family and the community to intercede for the safety of the individual and the community.
I would like to start off with two names of the most knowledgeable and caring persons I know on matters of mental health. These persons are: Mike Trent, of Midtown Mental Health Center [ph 317- 630-7791] and Judy Spray, of the PAIR Mental Health Diversion Program [317- 327-6869]. I would certainly start with these two for ideas and guidance on helping a love one into treatment.
If he is dangerous to himself or others, the family can seek an Emergency Detention to a mental health center. After a period of 72hrs, the hospital has to determine if he is dangerous as a result of mental illness. If so, the hospital can have him court ordered for long term inpatient or outpatient treatment. This procedure must be initiated in cooperation with a mental health center as the petition for an emergency detention must have a doctor's statement, as well as a factual witness, and the agreement of the mental health center that they will hospitalize the person for a period of observation. There may be a fee charged by the mental health center for this service. Some mental health centers serving Indianapolis are:
Midtown MHC
Gallahue MHC/Community Hospital
Adult and Child MHC
Assorted Mental Health Providers
If the mentally ill person presents an immediate danger, one can always call 911 and explain that there is a mentally ill person in need who may harm themselves or others. The mentally ill person can be picked up by the responsible law enforcement officer and taken to the nearest appropriate treatment facility under provisions of the Immediate Detention Law. Another strategy is to avoid calling 911, if time and circumstances permit, and call the shift commander of the appropriate law enforcement district. This may permit the commander the time to exercise more judgment and discretion on what officers to send out and at what time. Working with caring law enforcement officers may lessen the trauma to the mentally ill person and facilitate the person gaining appropriate access to the right services. A mission of the Indianapolis law enforcement agencies are to encourage the notion of "community policing" and the problem of the mentally ill falls under this plan. To find the appropriate officer in your area, go to IPD here or the MCSD here.
If he is gravely disabled, the family can go to Probate Court and seek Guardianship over him. The court or his guardian can then sign him in for treatment. You will need to start with an attorney first.
If he has any pending criminal charges [probation, parole, court case], the court, parole officer, or probation officer can order him into treatment. IF he is in custody, email or call [317-231-8263], the jail and request that he be evaluated for treatment while in custody. It would also be advisable to notify the PAIR Mental Health Diversion Program, at 317-327-6869, and request an evaluation.
If he is a nuisance, the family, or any responsible party, can go to court and ask for a protective order. The court can order him to quit being a nuisance to the petitioner and order him into treatment. To get a protective order one has to go through the Marion Co. Prosecutor's Office and be a resident of the county. This person also has to be the offended party. There may be a charge for filing the petition.A person may qualify for free assistance in getting a protective order.
If the family has the means, they can hire an attorney for help. Steven Eichholtz is an excellent attorney who use to be the mental health court judge. He can be reached at:
Steve Eichholtz
Locke Reynolds, LLP
201 N. Illinois Street
Indiana 46204
(317) 237-3800 Bus.
Mike Grubbs and John Christ are two other attorneys who have experience in mental health matters.
Two well known local legal minds also have extensive knowledge about mental health issues. They are Ken Falk and Fran Quigley, both of the ICLU.
Finally, if all of the above doesn't work out, get an advocate. All of the mental health centers and courts are political entities who depend on funding and the good will of the public. You would be surprised how much a phone call from an advocate will help with your cause. Just look up the phone numbers, web addresses, or location; then write or call, but follow up and expect a response. Here are some possible advocates in no particular order:
Protection and Advocacy Agency of Indiana
or specifically with mental health treatment issues, go here.
Marion Co. Mental Health Association
Adult Protective Services
NAMI- National Alliance of the Mentally Ill
TAC- Treatment Advocacy Center
State Representatives
Federal Representatives
Judge Evan Goodman, Marion County Superior Court
[Mental Health Expert and Advocate]
Court 15
City-County Bldg. Room W-343
3rd Floor, West Wing
(317) 327-3229
Judge Barb Collins, Marion County Superior Court
[Mental Health Expert and Advocate]
Court 8
City-County Bldg Room E-643
6th Floor, East Wing
(317) 327-3202
Misc. Helpful Indiana Resources
Read about The PAIR Mental Health Diversion Program here.
Read about mental health laws across the country here.
I worked a lot on this web page today. Later I did a google search in RE: to PAIR and there is an article appearing in the paper. Must be synchronicity!!

Sad, but true....
This is a plan for family members helping those with mental illness in Marion County, Indiana, or the Greater Indianapolis area. Please go here to read about some suggestions from a general standpoint or to find some ideas for your area.
My basic belief is that whenever possible, those with mental illness should take the responsibility for their own care. However, mental illness often robs individuals of their judgment and it becomes necessary for family and the community to intercede for the safety of the individual and the community.
I would like to start off with two names of the most knowledgeable and caring persons I know on matters of mental health. These persons are: Mike Trent, of Midtown Mental Health Center [ph 317- 630-7791] and Judy Spray, of the PAIR Mental Health Diversion Program [317- 327-6869]. I would certainly start with these two for ideas and guidance on helping a love one into treatment.
If he is dangerous to himself or others, the family can seek an Emergency Detention to a mental health center. After a period of 72hrs, the hospital has to determine if he is dangerous as a result of mental illness. If so, the hospital can have him court ordered for long term inpatient or outpatient treatment. This procedure must be initiated in cooperation with a mental health center as the petition for an emergency detention must have a doctor's statement, as well as a factual witness, and the agreement of the mental health center that they will hospitalize the person for a period of observation. There may be a fee charged by the mental health center for this service. Some mental health centers serving Indianapolis are:
Midtown MHC
Gallahue MHC/Community Hospital
Adult and Child MHC
Assorted Mental Health Providers
If the mentally ill person presents an immediate danger, one can always call 911 and explain that there is a mentally ill person in need who may harm themselves or others. The mentally ill person can be picked up by the responsible law enforcement officer and taken to the nearest appropriate treatment facility under provisions of the Immediate Detention Law. Another strategy is to avoid calling 911, if time and circumstances permit, and call the shift commander of the appropriate law enforcement district. This may permit the commander the time to exercise more judgment and discretion on what officers to send out and at what time. Working with caring law enforcement officers may lessen the trauma to the mentally ill person and facilitate the person gaining appropriate access to the right services. A mission of the Indianapolis law enforcement agencies are to encourage the notion of "community policing" and the problem of the mentally ill falls under this plan. To find the appropriate officer in your area, go to IPD here or the MCSD here.
If he is gravely disabled, the family can go to Probate Court and seek Guardianship over him. The court or his guardian can then sign him in for treatment. You will need to start with an attorney first.
If he has any pending criminal charges [probation, parole, court case], the court, parole officer, or probation officer can order him into treatment. IF he is in custody, email or call [317-231-8263], the jail and request that he be evaluated for treatment while in custody. It would also be advisable to notify the PAIR Mental Health Diversion Program, at 317-327-6869, and request an evaluation.
If he is a nuisance, the family, or any responsible party, can go to court and ask for a protective order. The court can order him to quit being a nuisance to the petitioner and order him into treatment. To get a protective order one has to go through the Marion Co. Prosecutor's Office and be a resident of the county. This person also has to be the offended party. There may be a charge for filing the petition.A person may qualify for free assistance in getting a protective order.
If the family has the means, they can hire an attorney for help. Steven Eichholtz is an excellent attorney who use to be the mental health court judge. He can be reached at:
Steve Eichholtz
Locke Reynolds, LLP
201 N. Illinois Street
Indiana 46204
(317) 237-3800 Bus.
Mike Grubbs and John Christ are two other attorneys who have experience in mental health matters.
Two well known local legal minds also have extensive knowledge about mental health issues. They are Ken Falk and Fran Quigley, both of the ICLU.
Finally, if all of the above doesn't work out, get an advocate. All of the mental health centers and courts are political entities who depend on funding and the good will of the public. You would be surprised how much a phone call from an advocate will help with your cause. Just look up the phone numbers, web addresses, or location; then write or call, but follow up and expect a response. Here are some possible advocates in no particular order:
Protection and Advocacy Agency of Indiana
or specifically with mental health treatment issues, go here.
Marion Co. Mental Health Association
Adult Protective Services
NAMI- National Alliance of the Mentally Ill
TAC- Treatment Advocacy Center
State Representatives
Federal Representatives
Judge Evan Goodman, Marion County Superior Court
[Mental Health Expert and Advocate]
Court 15
City-County Bldg. Room W-343
3rd Floor, West Wing
(317) 327-3229
Judge Barb Collins, Marion County Superior Court
[Mental Health Expert and Advocate]
Court 8
City-County Bldg Room E-643
6th Floor, East Wing
(317) 327-3202
Misc. Helpful Indiana Resources
Read about The PAIR Mental Health Diversion Program here.
Read about mental health laws across the country here.
I worked a lot on this web page today. Later I did a google search in RE: to PAIR and there is an article appearing in the paper. Must be synchronicity!!